الأحد، 10 مايو 2009

the gods and goddesses that the ancient Greeks


Zeus/Jupiter was the most powerful of the gods. Should he have to bring order, he would hurl a thunderbolt. Share in the adventure of Zeus, Hera, and little Io.

Hera/Juno was the wife of Zeus, and thus, the Queen. Hera was the goddess of marriage, children, and the home

Poseidon/Neptune, the lord of the sea, was the brother of Zeus

Hades/Pluto, another brother of Zeus, was the lord of the underworld. Come visit the River Styx!

Ares/Mars, Zeus' son, was the god of war. He tall and handsome but cruel and vain. Ares could not bear to suffer pain.

Hermes/Mercury was Zeus' son and the messenger of the gods. Hermes was noted for his pranks as well as for his speed.

Apollo/Apollo was Zeus' son and god of the sun, light and music. Come meet Apollo's Oracle at Delphi. What happened when Apollo fell in love with Cassandra. Learn how Apollo got his lyre.

Artemis/Diana was goddess of the hunt

Athena/Minerva, for whom Athens was named, was the goddess of wisdom.

Hestia/Vesta was the goddess of hearth and home, and Hera's sister

Demeter was the goddess of the harvest, and Hera's other sister. Persephone was Demeter's daughter, and the Greek's reasons for the seasons.

Aphrodite/Venus was the goddess of love and beauty

Hephaestus/Vulcan was the son of Zeus and Hera, god of fire and forge, and the husband of Aphrodite.

Pandora was the very first woman, formed out of clay by the gods. Zeus ordered Hephaestus to create her. Then Zeus sent Pandora down to earth to marry Epimetheus.

Heracles/Hercules was another of Zeus' sons. He was half man, half god, and very strong.

Eros/Mars was the god of love. He had a bow and arrow to shoot people and make them fall in love.

Orpheus was the son of Apollo and Calliope. He was the most famous musician in all of Greece. The story of Eurydice and Orpheus is a famous love story.

Pegasus was a winged horse

Cerberus was the three-headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld.

The Minotaur was a mythical creature, half man/half beast, that lived in the center of a huge maze.

The Muses were the 9 daughters of Zeus and Mnomosyne. They made such beautiful music with their singing that it brought joy to everyone who heard them. The Muses were patrons of
the arts and sciences
Here are the gods and goddesses that the ancient Greeks believed
made their home on Mount Olympus
(the highest mountain in Greece)

Zeus, Hera, Hades,Poseidon, Athena,Ares,Apollo,Artemis
Hephaestus, Hestia